Yea, i am afraid to try any of the "game" features and working on skills - for fear that I will screw up my skiing. It reminds of a time that I was skiing with a coach at Breckenridge that I hadn't skied with before (as my usual coaches were otherwise not available on that particular day) and he was determined to find a "chink in my armor" -- his words not mine. So, I played along with him and tried some drills that I wasn't familiar with -- long story short - it takes a while for things to get into my muscle memory - so I wasn't very successful with the drills. Next day, I am skiing with one of my usual coaches and she asks - how did it go with so-and-so yesterday. I explained to her the drill - and her immediate response was -- "well, that is totally unnecessary for you because of x, y, and z. Same day - skiing with the usual coach and we go past a lesson that the other coach was teaching and we are skiing through some nicely spaced bumps on American (@Breckendridge) and as we go past the group, I hear the other coach say to the class -- "See that skier - see how effortlessly he moves and stays centered over his skis and maintains his line through the bumps with his hands forward" I had him in my group yesterday, you keep listening to me and soon you will ski like him"